Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Welcome 2009

I've done the math for our contributions to cancer research charity funds and the grand total for 2008 (beginning in March), including both shops, is:
This represents the generous patronage of people like you for buying art from and There were no independent contributions in either "team" at Stand Up 2 Cancer so it was simply Art  that may help bring help to those suffering from this treatable, crurable disease - at some point in the future.... who knows, maybe 2009!  We're going to keep beating the bushes for sales and support for this very worthy cause.
Also, we want to send out a very grateful thank you for those of you who have not only participated in making items to sell, supported the shops with giving your time and efforts at promotion and technical help, and of course,  to those who have given homes to these art works.
Bless you all.

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